Wednesday, October 19, 2011

"Your data suggest a strong automatic preference for Light Skin compared to Dark Skin" is the result that I got during this assignment for the Skin-Tone IAT. IN my personal opinion, I don't believe that this statement is true but I think I understand how the result could be there. I know that for most of the tests where I quickly had to choose, I know that I have trouble with complexity in my brain so having the multiple categories to put the words and pictures into was a very hard task for me to complete. I'm not completely sure that the way I answered them would make it so I had a strong automatic preference for Light Skin compared to Dark Skin though. Also when answering the post questions, I understand that there were a couple of questions that could have been looked at as I preferred one group to another, but I don't believe it could show which group I preferred over another. I think the test was made to make people look like they were "racist" against one group so that people thought about how, culturally, there is a common belief that people prefer one group to another. "Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for Straight People compared to Gay People" is the result that I got during this assignment for the Gay-Straight IAT.

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