Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Sense Perception Knowledge Issues

Patients in a vegetative state- For years there have been what a community defines as "vegetables"- people who cannot feed themselves, nor speak, nor communicate, and in some cases, are unable to breathe without assistance. Recently, researchers monitored brain activity and found patients responded correctly to 5 of 6 questions, sparking the thought that perhaps these people are not as vegetative as thought to be, but in fact are fully able to communicate.

Here is what can be called a sample TOK question on the matter:

If the justification for taking people off life-support is because of their supposed vegetative state, and the common cultural belief has always been one of "he felt no pain," then how much is the surrounding community (doctors, medical staff, researchers, family of the 'vegetative people') held accountable to the deaths of these people, and is it ethical in any situation to let a person die?

Synthesis, en extraordinary condition where people mix senses, such as seeing sounds, or tasting colors, or any other mix therein, has been researched and more cases are becoming apparent. This may be useful for science, because these people tend to notice extra details to their special sense, or outperform to those that do not have this sense.

Here is question that can be asked about such a matter:

Would the people who have these "mixed senses" have better sense perception, therein making them more open to knowledge affairs? How does extra sense perception change the way the world is seen?

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