Wednesday, October 19, 2011

"Your data suggest a strong automatic preference for Light Skin compared to Dark Skin" is the result that I got during this assignment for the Skin-Tone IAT. IN my personal opinion, I don't believe that this statement is true but I think I understand how the result could be there. I know that for most of the tests where I quickly had to choose, I know that I have trouble with complexity in my brain so having the multiple categories to put the words and pictures into was a very hard task for me to complete. I'm not completely sure that the way I answered them would make it so I had a strong automatic preference for Light Skin compared to Dark Skin though. Also when answering the post questions, I understand that there were a couple of questions that could have been looked at as I preferred one group to another, but I don't believe it could show which group I preferred over another. I think the test was made to make people look like they were "racist" against one group so that people thought about how, culturally, there is a common belief that people prefer one group to another. "Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for Straight People compared to Gay People" is the result that I got during this assignment for the Gay-Straight IAT.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Why TOK?

We take TOK because it broadens our views of knowledge and why people think the way that they think. It opens up our minds to help us realize and understand people./We take TOK because it is a way that we know how people connect to the world and the other people in it.

Monday, September 12, 2011

What is TOK Anyway?

TOK is the ideas of knowing how and why we know things in this world. Why people do what they do, why they think what they think, why they say what they say, and the analysis that comes with this knowledge. It is the study of why people understand what they understand and how the brain communicates that.

Analysis of Knowers

If I were to pick one area of Ways of Knowing and Areas of Knowing to describe myself I would have to pick Emotion and Arts. I've always grown up being encouraged to express my feelings about subjects and to voice how I feel in certain situations. I am a strong believer of opening up and talking about problems to solve issues I am faced with. Emotions form a majority of my thoughts and decisions that I make in my life.
Arts is also a large factor in my thought process and also my emotions in life. Music is a huge part of my life and singing is probably considered my most precious activity that I have. Singing causes certain emotions to come up and helps me face the problems that I have in my life. It also forms a healthy outlet for me to let out how I am feeling. Music is my most prized asset in life.

This video represents the emotion that music brings me and how I fight through my problems.