Wednesday, May 30, 2012

WOK Emotion - Contemporary Links

"Mashpee Attacks Sturgis as School Competition Heats Up"

     In this article, it is discussed how a member of the Mashpee School Committee and board member on the Cape Cod Collaborative claims that Sturgis "cherry-picks" its students, resulting in the school's success. The article then takes Mr. Heiser's response to the email that David Bloomberg, the Mashpee School Committee member, sent in to Cape Cod Today. Mr. Hesier takes each of Bloomberg's assertions about Sturgis and analyses them one at a time, bit by bit. Bloomberg claims that Sturgis offers the applications of the better students from each middle school in the region, trying to boost its scores. He claims that this goes against the law of public school acceptance. Heiser returns the argument that the only kids that have a chance of acceptance at Sturgis are the ones who choose to apply, no application is suggested or specifically given to a child. He also says that it is common for the kids that apply to Sturgis tend to be more academically inclined because of the rigor at Sturgis when hitting the junior and seniors years. But on the other hand, there are also programs for kids with learning disabilities and not all students succeed at a high level like assumed by other schools in the region.
     A knowledge issue that could be created based on this article is whether or not the assumptions made by the board members in the public school system on Cape Cod reflects on who and how many people apply to Sturgis Public Charter School. Another is whether or not the overall success of the students in Sturgis creates controversy throughout Cape Cod school systems.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

IB Student World Survey

1. Word that best describes the IB: challenging
2. Most important qualities of an IB student: time management, personal balance
3. Best and worst aspects of being an IB student:
                     Best: responsibility, independence, reputation
                     Worst: heavy workload, impacts on social life
4. IB learner profile trait: knowledgeable
5. Difference of IB and normal curriculum: IB forces you to become more mature at least academically than normally, because if that fails, you fail.
6. Psychologist
7. How has the IB changed your perspective on the world compared to how you think it would in another curriculum: IB has made me more aware of my surroundings outside of my immediate lifestyle. Had I been taught with a different curriculum, I would still be more caught up in my own life than learning about the one that others are living.


Quote: "Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony." - Ghandi

How To Know Happiness: I personally know when I'm happy if I can sit down, think about everything that's going on in my life, and can honestly say that there is nothing going wrong that can't be fixed. Happiness is so simple if you allow it to be in my mind, simply you are what makes you happy. But there's always the possibility that something will stop that from being possible. If that something is not happening, the rest of the problems someone is having can be solved and addressed and they can move on and be content.

Effect of Happiness: Happiness can absolutely promote knowledge. For instance, because music is so involved in my life, I took up voice lessons. Every time that I have a recital, I go through stages. The first stage is denial, where I deny I have any work to do for it so I end up having to cram. The next stage is severe fear. Mostly because of the denial. But also because getting up in front of people is one of my biggest fears in my life. The stage after is simple nerves, typically on the day that the recital is. These stay until the moment I sing the first note of my song. But the moment that that note has been sung, I instantly hit my happiness stage. Performing is my most loved activity, something that I may want to do professionally one day. Happiness fuels the energy that I have, and even how well I perform vocally at my recitals. Happiness has an effect that keeps my knowledge about my personal language, music.


People and Culture: Judaeo-Spanish is a language deriving from the two languages Spanish and Hebrew. Descendants of Jews that had been expelled from Spain and multiple countries still speak the language in very small regions, with only one or two people at most speaking. Many of the people left that still speak Judaeo-Spanish are elderly and have not passed the language on to their children or grandchildren. It is although having somewhat of a comeback in the music of Sephardic communities. But, in other regions such as Greece, there is only one person who knows how to speak the language.

The reason that Judaeo-Spanish should be revived is because it is believed to be an "eloquent illustration of the capacity of languages to transmit the values of intercultural dialogue and pluralism". People want to see the language succeed again, like the radio host who does a podcast in the language to show support for it. There is also a teaching manual being developed by someone who speaks the language in France. People care about the language, it just has not been spread enough for people to appreciate and learn it.

This is a photo of a poster for Judaeo-Spanish art songs. Because the language is so unknown, this is the only representation that I could find that could describe the language. Music in certain regions is starting to incorporate the language and this poster shows that effort.

Sixteenth Man

Knowledge Question for Clip Two: How do emotion and sense perception shared through film affect the viewer's perspective of the political and social situation in South Africa?

CAS Activity: The CAS activity that I thought most related to the Mandela quote is voice lessons. Music has the ability to change the world because music is something that brings the world together. Music can be considered a language in some ways and in that is considered a universal language. This means that music has the power to bring people all over the world together, having the ability to create peace and harmony throughout the world. If music were used correctly and to its greatest possibility, the world could be a much nicer place and more united throughout.